Wellness Sessions
Wellness at Work provides the benefits of a studio class in the comfort of your office or home. We offer expert guidance in all-levels classes focusing on accessible poses and breathing techniques. Our classes are taught by highly experienced teachers and are designed to help relieve aches and pains that result from prolonged, uninterrupted sitting.
On-site and Virtual Classes Available

Restorative, gentle movement designed to relieve tension. This class is accessible to all and can be performed seated at your desk. Participation does not require activewear allowing easeful transition to and from the rest of your workday. Chair yoga will leave you feeling more relaxed and focused.
Chair Yoga
In this class we will explore a variety of accessible breathing techniques that are proven to lower stress and anxiety. Students will gain a rudimentary understanding of breathing mechanics and practices that will empower them to better utilize the breath in their daily lives.
Neck and Shoulder Stretching
The neck and shoulder region is one of the most common sites of stored stress. With plenty of smartphone usage and long workdays at the computer, we must be proactive about helping our bodies stay supported. We will review simple chair yoga practices specifically designed to relieve tightness in the cervical region. These tools can then be applied throughout the day to counteract tension in these key areas.
Mat Yoga
Yoga has numerous evidence-based physical and mental health benefits. Wellness at Work provides the benefits of a studio class in the comfort of your office or home. We offer expert guidance in all-levels classes focusing on accessible poses and breathing