Interactive Workshops
In-depth, research-based workshops that empower your staff to make informed lifestyle choices to improve their wellness. Workshops can be contracted individually or as a series. They pair nicely with our class offerings.

Mindfulness 101: Starting a Meditation Practice
In this workshop we break down the basics and empower your team with ready-to-implement tools and techniques for cultivating a sustainable meditation practice. We teach the how-to of mindfulness (the power of the pause) and meditation (strength training for the mind) which is proven to improve health, lower stress and anxiety, increase focus, and build resilience.
Mindful Eating
We love teaching this workshop because it is a practical, everyday application of the mindfulness techniques we assiduously ascribe to! Simply put, mindful eating is about training yourself to pay attention to your body’s signals so that the quantity and choice of foods you consume are in alignment with your body’s needs. It is a method to help you feel better in your body without eliminating the foods that bring you joy.
We’ve all heard the term and likely experienced it at some point. But what exactly is burnout? In this presentation we will discuss the research behind the phenomenon and the physiological effects on the body and mind. We will identify key contributing factors and applicable methods to counteract and reverse the burnout process.
Sleep: The Invisible Key to Wellness
In this workshop we present the findings of current research on the science of sleep. We discuss how sleep affects different parts of the body and mind. We impart specific implementable techniques and tools to aid your team in focusing on and achieving nourishing sleep hygiene.
What is Self-Care Anyway?
In this workshop we discuss the basics of self-care; needs, desires, choices and boundaries. Understanding of these fundamentals help us frame our daily choices around nutrition, fitness, stress management and rest, empowering us to realize significant health benefits.